Tuesday, March 11, 2008

It Takes A Real Man...

Would you not agree with me that it takes a real man to go with his wife to birthing class...willingly? And would you not also agree that it takes an even more impressively real man to go ALONE to birthing class, because his wife is out of town, and take notes, and even sit on a mat all by himself and practice the breathing techniques that he may soon be helping his laboring wife with? Well, if you concurred with the above, then you'll have to admit that I married an impressively real man! I was out of town last week, which was when our first birth education class, that I had signed us up for, was scheduled to happen. My dear hubby did not say, "Why don't we try to sign up for a different session" or give me a hard time about it, but willingly went off to class alone. I got home on Saturday and on Sunday night he gave me a class "briefing" and we even had a breathing practice session! It looks like he is going to be such a great coach! How very blessed I am!

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