Thursday, March 8, 2012

More About Our Twins

Hello all... I thought I'd share a little more info. about our twins, for those of you that haven't heard anything except our brief post with the picture of "Baby I".  Last week was our first prenatal visit.  I went in not knowing if anything was or wasn't out of the ordinary with this pregnancy.  It turned out to be an appointment of mixed emotions.  As standard procedure, they started off with a sonogram, which showed a healthy little baby, with a good heartbeat and appearing to be almost 13 weeks along!  They set the due date as September 5th.  However, the sonogram also showed that we had twins and one had died, they think at about 8 weeks.  I was able to see both sacks and tiny "Baby R", as we are calling our little one who past away.  The young lady asked if I wanted a picture, so we do have a picture of both babies.  In the weeks leading up to the visit, I had kept thinking it would be fun to have twins!  But the Lord knows what is best.  And we are blessed to have one who appears to be healthy and thriving.  

The office wants to monitor the pregnancy more closely.  You can be praying we'll have wisdom how to proceed.  

I think it is easier to have found out there was two after one was gone then it would have been to have known before hand.  God is good.  He gives and He takes away and He does what is best.

It was so sweet.  At one point we were talking to Clara about how there had been two babies but one had died. And she asked with a serious little face "so we can't have it?"  Too precious!  Thankfully though, we are able to tell her that there is still a baby there that appears healthy and well, and she hasn't taken the news hard at all.  

In other updates from here - we have ALL been sick this last week with the flu... but are blessed to be on the mend.  Cute story from yesterday.  Realizing that Clara hadn't had anything to eat in a long time, I asked her if she would like some mashed potatoes or rice (some of the leftovers that were available).  She responded "A crepe would be fine."  Knows what she wants!  :-)  

I love this picture!  It was captured a couple weeks ago at chapel.  First a word about Clara's unusual outfit!  :-)  She wanted to wear one of her flower girl dresses to chapel and Mommy's wedding veil, and her wise Daddy decided "Hey, why not?"  As for the actual picture, Clara said she wanted hold Hilkiah and he was willing to oblige her mothering.  I believe one of my friends said "You need a picture of that, Gracie".  And I'm sure glad I was able to capture the moment!  :-)  


Anonymous said...

Now I know where the "Precious Moments" expression came from! SO precious!

Keulen Family said...

Hi Stephen & Gracie,
I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you guys.
So sad to hear about Baby R, and so glad that Baby I is doing well.
That's an adorable picture of your other 2 little Blessings!
With lots of love,