Thursday, May 8, 2008

9-Month Sensitivity Training

It's hard to really know what goes on in a woman's body when she's pregnant. Gracie has made the whole process look really easy! Must be difficult to have all your internal organs rearranged and carry a bowling ball around all day long and having to walk around on feet that look like....well....I'm not trying to incriminate myself here, just enlighten you. We wanted to post some up-to-date belly shots and me trying to learn the ropes. It took awhile, but I think I understand a little more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now, Stephen, have Gracie thump your lower back for an hour to simulate back labor. Then take 10 cascara sagrada to demonstrate tummy labor.That's about all, since you can't pass the bowling ball.However, do breathe during the birthing- we don't want the daddy light-headed.