Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The VERY first post!

Hello everyone! I, Gracie, thought it would be fun to have a blog. I ran the idea past Stephen and here we are! Our sister-in-law, Sarah, kind of helped start the trend! Thanks, Sarah!!! I enjoy getting on her blog and checking out the latest from their little clan.

If any of you have been wondering if we are still alive...yes, indeed we are! For those of you who don't know, we were married on January 6th, 2007. Right after the honeymoon we moved out of state because of a job opportunity for Stephen. That job didn't turn out to be a great situation, but the Lord has provided us with a new one that is MUCH better!!! Stephen reached his 90 day mark with the new company yesterday.

I have been able to stay home and be a homemaker. The Lord has provided us with a lovely home of which I get to be the keeper! Besides house work, some of the things I've become involved with are a little gardening, an excercise class (consistent excercise is NOT one of my strengths), a drawing class, which I've quite enjoyed, a mom's club, and a craft club. And for those of you who are wondering why on earth I would join a mom's club, let's just say that one of the other things I've been involved with lately is dealing with a little bit of morning sickness! :-) Our little blessing is due to make his / her arrival into the outside world around the 7th of May.

We have a chapel fellowship that has been very kind and welcoming to us. Stephen has become pretty involved with speaking occasionally, taking turns leading Bible study and he recently agreed to help organize the Sunday school program.

Well, hopefully, this will prove to be a good way of keeping many of our friends and family updated on the news of our little family and also to hear from some of you as well!


Scott said...

Hi Gracie and Stephen:

Thought if I hurried I could be second! Love you both - Oh sorry, I mean all three of you!

Dad (Ferguson)

Stephen and Gracie said...

Yay! You were our very first comment! Thanks Dad! We love you too!


Louise Woehl said...

Hi Gracie and Stephen!
What a neat surprise to hear from you today! I had not seen your pictures so thanks for including them. We heard a week or so ago about your "great expectations" and are so happy for you. We will look forward to hearing more about what's happening in your lives.
Louise (and Dan)

Krista :) said...

Gracie and Stephen,
I am so happy that you started a blog so we can all know what is taking place in your lives! I know I am terrible at e-mailng but will try to get better at that! I am so thrilled for you two!! What a blessing it will be for you to be parents!! I have all the confidence that you will be an amazing Mom and Dad. Love you both!
~Krista <3

Corinne said...

Great pictures! I haven't seen them yet. I need to borrow the cd that Anna has to look at all of them.

Hope you are feeling alright, Gracie. Hope to talk to you soon!

With love, Corinne

Timsush said...

Vedding pictures...schmedding pictures! I vant to see BABY pictures already. Oy!
(But the wedding shots did bring back some good memories.)

Stephen and Gracie said...

Thanks for all the comments everyone!

Uncle Tim, sorry about the lack of baby pictures on the blog...give me a few month to work or that! :-) Or, better yet, come visit us and we'll show you one of the ultrasound pictures!

Corinne, I've been thinking for a long time of sending you a CD with the wedding pictures and haven't. Sorry! I'll try to do that soon!

Krista, thanks for all the kind comments and sorry I've been so bad at emailing you!

Dan and Louise, thanks a bunch for the comment! It was good to hear from you. Hopefully, things are going well for both of you.

Thanks again, everyone, for the comments.


Krista :) said...

When you send a picture CD to Corinne feel free to send one out to Illinois as well! I know Mom would love to see those. She really wanted to be at the wedding! I was at a friend's baby shower on Saturday and it made me realize how excited you both must be! So Congratulations again!!

Stephen and Gracie said...

Hi Krista,

Sure, I can do that! Your Dad had asked me about that and I still haven't! Sorry!

Thanks for the congratulations!
