Tuesday, October 13, 2009

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..." is something like the first sounds we heard today from our little baby, as my midwife's apprentice picked up our little one's heartbeat on the doppler! Yay! Not only did Clara and I get to hear the sweet sound... but so did Stephen, after my great midwife suggested that we call him up and work and let him hear!!! It was an exciting moment to hear that little "whooshing" finally be picked up!!! Clara seemed pretty unsure about these new people and I think the doppler and blood pressure band kind of scared her, poor baby. However, my midwife says she'll have something special for her next time, like a lollipop, so that the midwife becomes a good thing in Clara's eyes! :-) Hopefully, by the end of the pregnancy, Clara will at least understand more and maybe even be excited to hear her little brother or sister!

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