Monday, March 17, 2014


 Finally, some pics to share!  Most of these are from the special treat we got to have as a family on our trip, visiting the aquarium in Dallas! 
 This "slothful" fellow was not even in a cage.  Just perched up in a tree that you could walk around.  I guess they can do that because they move EXTREMELY slowly!  His little face was so cute.
 There's nothing to compare it too in this picture... but this croc was huge.

Checking out the river rays.

And here we are with the first manatee I have ever seen in real life.

Don't know what the little man was doing here.  :-)

I think this one is fun of the kids!  This was taken in the shark tunnel.  Photographing three kids is tricky enough... but then trying to catch a shark in the background....  :-)  Daddy did a good job!!

And hey, who needs an extra pillow to prop your legs on at night when you've got a little brother!!!

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