Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day To...

... to my husband's father:

~who faithfully loves Stephen's mother
~who diligently follows the Lord Jesus
~who lovingly welcomed me to the family
~who patiently raised and trained Stephen to be the incredible man he is
~who greatly loves his grandchildren

... to my father:

~ who lovingly raised me
~ who diligently trained me (and PATIENTLY tried to help me with math :-) )
~ who diligently follows the Lord Jesus
~ who faithfully loves my mom
~ who greatly loves his granddaughter

... and my daughter's father:

~ who tenderly loves Clara's mother (me!)
~ who faithfully provides
~ who diligently follows the Lord Jesus
~ who firmly trains Clara
~ who patiently cares for her
~ who joyfully plays with her
~ who loves her

How VERY blessed Clara and I are by these three wonderful men! Thank you! We greatly respect and love all three of you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poetically put. We are blessed, aren't we?!