Friday, April 4, 2008

Baby Update

We just heard this morning from one of our friends from birth class that they were about to head to the hospital with contractions 5-6 minutes apart. Yay! The little guy is coming about 20 days early! I better get with the program! I've got some things around here that it would be nice to have done BEFORE Miss Clara makes her appearance! Yes, I do realize that first babies usually come 7 - 10 days late...however, you never know for sure!

We had an appointment with our midwife and her student this week, which went quite well! They are both so much fun and give us tons of their time and are very willing to explain and discuss things quite extensively. Clara had a good heartbeat and also had a good heartbeat reaction. They checked that by shaking her a little bit a couple times and listening to see if the heartbeat changed and it did. She is also currently NOT in breach position, which is good!

For those of you who haven't heard, we changed our plans, which were to have the baby with a doctor and in a hospital. We are now planning a home birth with a very experienced midwife and her student (who is the mother of six kids!). Provided Clara doesn't come really fast and really early, my Mom (who had the last three of the nine of us kids at home) is also planning to try to be here. So, between the midwife, her student and my Mom we will be surrounded by lots of support and experience!

1 comment:

q-pig said...

I can't wait until I get to see pictures of Miss Clara on here!
